Christine - Trained Doula

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Visitors from Haiti

Today, we are being blessed by the missionaries we help in Haiti - Yvonne and Joel Trimble.  
They have ministered in the poorest nation in the western hemisphere for 35 years (since 1975) 
and I am privileged to say I have known them for almost 30 of those years.
 You can read all about them on Haiti for

Since the earthquake that shook Haiti in 2010 they have seen more souls saved for Christ
 than in their entire 3 decades there. Since then, they have purchased television equipment 
so they can produce programs directly targeting the people in Haiti in their own language.  
This ministry has grown tremendously and is blanketing the nation of Haiti with the 
Word of God.  Just recently the Trimbles and La Bonne Nouvelle were featured on CBN. 

It is truly a beautiful nation despite it's poverty and corruption through politics and voodoo.

It has been such a short time since that earthquake hit and we so quickly forget the devastation that it caused but the Timbles are seeing God move in mighty ways despite that tragedy.   
Celebrate Life a memorial service took place in front of the palace to share the 
Good News about Jesus.

This video clip is in Creole but the footage speaks for it self as Haiti through out the country 
came to worship and give God the glory one year after the earthquake struck.

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