Christine - Trained Doula

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Blackberries and Cobblers

Blackberry season came and went and I wasn't here to welcome the bounty but my mil was able to pick a late bowl full just screaming to be made into cobbler.  So, that is on the agenda for tonights dinner.  Don't know what dinner will be but at least we have dessert covered.  My fil's favorite was cobbler - cobbler anything.  I am sure he would appreciate tonight's delight and the fact that the blackberry are so abundant in the composting acre.

The worse part about picking our blackberries is that they have THORNS - but oh so worth it. 
I found a very good recipe on the web from a Betty Crocker event. 
Seems I never turn to my huge stash of cookbooks anymore. 

Now all it needs is some real whipped cream, a bowl and a spoon. mmmmm.

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